The story perpetrated by the Mainstream Corporate Media about Betsy DeVos and the Federal Dep’t of Education was as bad as the latest stories about Trump and Liz Cheney are now.
DeVos did something your are not allowed or supposed to do: she called out the racket that is the accreditation scam. Big Education, with the help from the usual clownish and stupid minions in the Corporate Press, did a number on her, painting her as someone who wanted all American children shackled to Christian themed schools.
Naturally, that wasn’t the case at all.
As with all things Trump, the schooling / education aspect of the first administration was painted exactly as it wasn’t. Establishment Power and Money were at risk, and they lashed out as they consistently have since 2015. Unfortunately, your children’s teachers bought the fake. It looks like we are getting ready for part II of the circus.
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