Education Forensics: English Class Room 108
Education Forensics: English Class Room 108 Podcast
The 0.1% Schule Refugee Crisis Movement

The 0.1% Schule Refugee Crisis Movement

People will go where their Intellect gets treated best.

I’m almost done with a webcast called “The 0.1% Refugee Crisis”. It’s good. HNW (High Net Worth) individuals are leaving places like the USA, Britain, Australia, and Sweden because they’re not treated well. Their money and lifestyles are treated shabbily by governments, so they’re leaving. It’s an old saying in the world of Finance - capital will flock to where it’s treated the best. It’s true.

In this podcast, I explain that the same movement will happen with education. Intellects will flock to schools, areas, sites, groups - both digital and real - where they are treated the best. The days of all the best going to MIT or Harvard seem to be ending. They will all go somewhere. Harvard was just busted for discriminating against Asians. Are you prepared to spend tens of thousands of dollars pers semester for these Harvard classes?

You can get your teenager to the top, or you can educate yourself. There are countless places to go in all the fields of study for the intellectually curious. I’m trying to capitalize on that trend. You and yours can as well.

I put together a starting point. Here is a $9.99 six-page PDF that has 16 links that might get your disaffected phone addled teen to stop staring at the screen.

I made a short video explaining it. Yes, those of you who haven’t seen me in a few years, I’ve more gray hair, but I still have that engaging personality and winning smile.

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Education Forensics: English Class Room 108
Education Forensics: English Class Room 108 Podcast
My teaching career began in September 1996. I have a lot to say - some if it is wonderful and some of it isn't. Practically everything you've heard about the school business is wrong. At this stage, I've basically seen it all.